Wee Love LTC

Register for Wee Love LTC at https://forms.gle/5hmqH8oujppcwub7A.

New to our 2025 Leadership Training for Christ Southwest Convention will be Wee Love LTC, a program for children in Kindergarten thru 2nd Grade. Beth Dennison, of the Gilbert Church of Christ, has created and will be directing this program.

Here are the details about Wee Love LTC:

  • We want to give our littles a way to get involved in LTC just like the big kids.
  • On Saturday morning of our LTCSW convention, during the Bible Bowl event, there will be a series of activities for our littles. These activities will be located in the Art Room.
  • Everyone, especially parents, are welcome to come watch and encourage our littles.
  • Activities will include: song leading, choir, memory verse, and art. Participating children will be given the opportunity to lead a song (one verse, chosen between “I have Decided to Follow Jesus,” “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” and “Holy Holy Holy”), sing a song with a choir made up of their friends (one verse, chosen between, “You Are My All In All,” “My God Is So Big,” and “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”), and recite a memory verse (Psalm 23.4). Each student will create an art project together.
  • All participants will receive a T-shirt and a goodie bag with a coloring book, game, and crayons. Also, a medallion and participation certificate will be presented to each child.
  • The whole Wee Love LTC group will perform “Jesus Loves the Little Children” at Celebration, on Saturday evening.
  • Cost will be $10/child. This can be paid at the convention.
  • A registration table for Wee Love LTC will be set up next to registration as our convention opens on Friday. This is where the participants will pick up the goodie bag and let us know you are ready for Wee Love LTC. If you can, please register for Wee Love LTC by visiting the link given at the top of this page and below. If you can do this before April 1, it will help with out preparations. On the response form (follow the link), include a shirt size for each of your children who will be attending Wee Love LTC (on the line that asks for names and ages).

Register for Wee Love LTC at https://forms.gle/5hmqH8oujppcwub7A.