General Questions
The acronym LTCSW stands for Leadership Training for Christ Southwest. Leadership Training for Christ is a program of Churches of Christ that is used by many congregations throughout the United States. These churches have affiliated themselves in regional groupings focused around annual conventions held at different spots in the country. At present, there are ten LTC regions and conventions, including LTCSW with our convention held in Scottsdale, Arizona and currently involving churches located throughout Arizona, southern California, New Mexico, and Colorado. While we are regional, there are no firm borders to our region. Churches from anywhere are welcome to affiliate with LTCSW and to attend our convention.
LTCSW is a program for youth in grades 3-12. Those older than high school may participate as event directors, church coordinators, judges, C.H.A.R.Mers, and helpers. Attendance as spectators is open to everyone that a participating church invites to attend.
Yes. Youth participants in grades 3-12 are asked to pay a registration fee of $100.00 to participate in pre-convention events and convention events. This fee is paid through the home church. Local churches determine for themselves how this fee will be paid. The fee includes participation in LTCSW events, a convention shirt, an awards plaque, and other costs associated with the convention.
No. A participant may be involved with LTCSW and register for only pre-convention events. The fee remains $75.00, and the participant will receive a convention shirt and an awards plaque and the medals awarded in their event(s).
Yes. Absolutely. Any size church group can participate in Leadership Training for Christ. One of the beauties of this program is that it is easily adaptable to any church environment. A church can choose what part of the program makes sense for their youth and for their people and resources.
Yes. The partnership can be designated under one of the churches (for purposes of registration), or simply include both church names as one entity.
Pre-Convention Events are activities that are conducted throughout the year by the individuals or teams in their local churches and completed and evaluated before the annual LTCSW convention. Convention Events are activities that are prepared for throughout the year by individuals or teams in their local churches, but are demonstrated and evaluated publicly at the annual LTCSW convention.
The answer depends on the local church. Some churches have made Leadership Training for Christ a year-round program for their youth, even organizing the weekly Bible classes around LTC-related instruction and training. Other churches have made LTC a more seasonal program. Either approach works.
Pre-Convention events have an earlier deadline, usually about six weeks before the annual LTCSW convention, so preparation in these areas should probably begin earlier than work on Convention events. Some Pre-Convention events have a time period of activity that is designated. Consult event rules for these details.
The LTCSW Convention begins on Friday (see Important Dates). The earliest event session will begin at 3:00 p.m. on Friday. The Convention Central check-in and help desk opens at Noon on Friday. Room check-in at the DoubleTree Resort opens at 2:00 p.m., but rooms may not be available until 4:00 p.m., or after.
Yes. Absolutely. LTCSW values each child and youth who want to be involved in growing in the areas of Christian service and leadership. We desire to be sensitive to needs and challenges that may be faced by our participants. Church coordinators are encouraged to submit a Special Needs or Concerns Form for participants that may face certain challenges as they engage in certain activities. A link to this form is included in the masthead on each event rules page.
Yes. Absolutely. All youth are welcome to participate in LTCSW. Our registration process is structured around participating Churches of Christ, but the LTCSW board would be glad to work with you to connect you with a participating Church of Christ. If you would like to get the Leadership Training for Christ program started at your church, please contact Jon Roberts or Jeff Foster.
Yes. The following dress code is to be followed by everyone attending the LTCSW convention, including youth participants and adult spectators.
In common areas of the hotel: Everyone is encouraged to wear their LTCSW shirts. Attire must be clean and modest. No extreme fads. Bare midriffs, or thin strapped tops are not allowed at any time. Clothing with advertising words or pictures must be of a wholesome nature. Shorts and skirts must be modest length.
At pool side: Participants should conform to the rules given by their congregation for poolside attire as well as attire for going to and from the pool.
For participants participating in events: Participants must not wear shorts while participating in any convention event. All youth participants are encouraged to wear their LTCSW shirts when participating in convention events, unless a part/role calls for other dress.
Please remember that your behavior directly affects people’s impressions of Christians. Create a positive reflection of your group, your family, and Jesus by maintaining high standards of conduct at all times.
Yes. Financial giving to LTCSW is very much appreciated. Contributed monies can help offset convention costs and can be used to provide scholarships for youth to register for participation in LTCSW.
If you would like to contribute to LTCSW, please speak with any board member.
A listing of current LTCSW board members is listed at the top of the contact page, along with their board positions and responsibilities. From this list, click on a name and you will be given a contact form. Board members try to be quick in responding to inquiries.
LTCSW is always on the lookout for people who want to take an active role in our organization. Each year, event director positions will open up as a serving director chooses to step away. If you are interested in leading a certain event, let DeDe Jacques or Cami Skipper, LTCSW board members and co-coordinators of pre-convention events, or Ann Skipper, a LTCSW board member and coordinator of convention events, know of your interest. An opening may not become available immediately, but your name will be kept in the pipeline.
The LTCSW Board of Directors is made up of from seven to fifteen men and women who provide oversight and leadership to our organization. Members serve terms of three years and can serve multiple terms. If you are interested in serving on the board, please let any serving board member know, and please reach out to Jeff Foster, current chairperson for the board. The process of adding a board member involves an application and board review and vote.
Questions about Registration
Registration to participate in LTCSW is the responsibility of the church coordinator, the individual who directs the Leadership Training for Christ program in the local church. The church coordinator has the responsibility of registering each youth participant from the church. Church coordinators are given access to the LTCSW registration site with a login protocol given by our LTCSW registration coordinator, Tenna Murphy, or by Jeff Foster.
Yes, if requested by the deadline given in Important Dates. Refund requests must be communicated to Tenna Murphy by this date.
We will try to be accommodating. Please contact Tenna Murphy, a LTCSW board member and registration coordinator, as soon as possible.
Church coordinators can continue to access the registration site until the registration deadline (check Important Dates). Changes after this are not allowed, but you can inform event directors of participants who need to drop out of an event(s). Extra shirts are usually available at convention, if additional or different sizes are needed.
Pre-Convention materials should be submitted to the event director. Submission details, including what needs to be submitted and how, are given in the event rules for each event. You can connect with event directors, and others, on the Contact Us page.
Questions about the Hotel
Each local church is responsible for the room reservations for those attending the convention from that church. Some churches make the reservations for their member families. Some churches leave that responsibility to their member families. Check with your church coordinator about the procedure at your church. The cost of staying at the DoubleTree Resort is the responsibility of the attendees.
The 2023 Convention of Leadership Training Southwest will be held at DoubleTree Resort at Paradise Valley, in Scottsdale, Arizona. DoubleTree has extended us a negotiated discounted rate of $179.00 per room night (plus a tax rate of 13.17%).
Reservations at DoubleTree Resort at Paradise Valley can be made for dates between April 6-9, 2023, at our discounted LTCSW rate, by visiting this BOOKING LINK (this site is operated by Hilton, not LTCSW).
The booking link is open for a limited time. The deadline for making reservations is given in Important Dates.
The Resort Fee includes usage of the pools, parking, and concierge services. The fee does not include food services.
The DoubleTree Resort offers a variety of eating establishments at the resort. DoubleTree allows LTCSW attendees the unique privilege of the serving of food brought from off-premises in one designated area. Food brought from off-premises must be served and eaten ONLY this area.
There are several restaurants within proximity to the DoubleTree. Downtown Scottsdale has a good variety of food establishments.
The standard check-in time at the DoubleTree Resort is 2:00 p.m., with a check-out time of 11:00 a.m. Check-in on Friday can be very busy, so be prepared to wait in line.
No. DoubleTree Resort is a large resort hotel. There will be many guests staying there that are not affiliated with LTCSW. So, remember your Christian witness. And, usually, there will be guests from the resort who will attend convention sessions and the Easter Sunday morning worship service. In fact, the Starr Pass announces this worship service to their guests.
Yes, if you are an overnight guest at the DoubleTree Resort. But prioritize attendance at LTCSW convention activities and know that you represent LTCSW as you engage in these activities. Use of the swimming pool comes with the Resort Fee that is paid with hotel registration.
Yes. When you check-in, you will be asked to present a credit/debit card to be used for charges made to the room. Adults, be aware of this, and inform the hotel registration staff about restrictions that you wish to be enforced.
Questions about Events
Each event has a page that outlines the guidelines for that event. These rules pages can be accessed from the Event Rules & Forms page. Included in these rules are the necessary forms for participation in the event. These forms are .pdf documents and are accessible via hyperlink (blue underscored text). Hyperlinks to event forms are listed near the top of the event form. Also, under this row of hyperlinks is a Print Rules command line.
Each event rules page identifies the event director leading the event. The name is a hyperlink that will take you to a contact form.
Possibly, but contact the event director of the team event or a board member before a decision is made, and a solution will be determined. The difficulty is that the registration system allows a participant to be registered once.
Links to study resources can be found on the Links page under Event Resources. These resources will be made available as soon as possible.
Links to training videos for signing can be found on the Links page under Event Resources. These videos will be made available as soon as possible.
Event directors are the best resource. Each event rules page identifies the event director leading the event. The name is a hyperlink that will take you to a contact form.
Also, please feel free to contact DeDe Jacques or Cami Skipper, LTCSW board members and co-coordinators of pre-convention events, or Ann Skipper, a LTCSW board member and coordinator of convention events. Also, reach out to church coordinators who have been involved with LTCSW for a while.
Questions about the Convention
The first event sessions will begin at 2:00 p.m. on Friday and will be held hourly through 8:00 p.m. Event sessions begin at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and will be held hourly through 2:00 p.m. Event sessions last approximately 50 minutes in length, with the exception of Bible Bowl, which occupies a two hour block of time.
Be prompt and a few minutes early, if possible. Several event sessions are help simultaneously in different conference rooms at the DoubleTree Resort, but the convention rooms are in close proximity to each other. Participants should arrive early to their scheduled event so that they can introduced themselves to the event director and find out the performance order, seating arrangements, and last minute instructions.
Shirts that have been pre-ordered (all youth participants are given a shirt with their registration) will be included in the box of materials given to the church coordinator as they check-in to Registration Central, beginning at Noon on Friday. A limited number of shirts will be available for purchase at Registration Central, first come first served.
Room check-in at the DoubleTree Resort is done with DoubleTree guest services at the desk in the main lobby of the property. Convention check-in is done with LTCSW personnel at the Convention Central help desk in the lobby of the convention area of the resort.