Leadership Training for Christ Southwest (LTCSW) is a wonderful program that shares its vision with seven other locations in the United States under the greater Leadership Training for Christ (LTC) intent, “train our youth.” The LTCSW desire is to assist local congregations in training their youth in grades 3-12 encouraging them to use their talents for the Lord and to become active disciples/servants for Him.
In LTCSW, there are many different events in which youth can participate. These events are designed to challenge youth so that they may understand how to use their talents while growing spiritually. The events are broken down by age groups to facilitate training at the appropriate maturity level.
What are the Benefits of Leadership Training for Christ?
- Encourages youth and parents to be more devoted to God and others.
- Inspires youth, teens, and parents to spend consistent time in God’s word.
- Develops discipleship.
- Assists in the growth of confidence and the use of gifts and skills to be able to share the “Good News”.
- Encourages youth to grow towards becoming effective Christian leaders within church family and community.
- Nourishes parent/adult participation.
- Provides year-round structured leadership training.
- Promotes unity/team building and encouragement.
- Aids in the development of skills for public speaking, song leading, Bible reading, and having an active prayer life.
- Provides training for youth to be effective teachers.
- Develops skills for use in VBS, mission trips, and for life.
- Fosters participation in serving the church and community through service projects.
- Creates deep long-lasting relationships.
- Builds memories that will last forever.
The place to get started with Leadership Training for Christ is with your local church. If your church is already involved with LTCSW, seek out the church coordinator for LTCSW. The church coordinator organizes the local Leadership Training for Christ program. If your church is NOT already involved with LTCSW, please reach out to Jon Roberts or Jeff Foster, of the LTCSW Board of Directors. They can point you in the right direction to getting Leadership Training for Christ started in your local church.
As you begin with LTCSW, choose a level of participation with which you are comfortable and start there. It is not necessary for any one person to do it all, and it is not necessary for any one child or any congregation to participate in all events. Some congregations choose to start with just a few events, and after the first convention, when enthusiasm has built, more parents and children get involved. You may want to send several key individuals (adults and young people) to the next convention, even if your congregation is not participating, to simply observe and talk to other congregations. This will help your congregation to make an informed decision.
God is faithful. He will always bless His people that are striving for a closer walk with Him and with those who are training His little ones.